Hello, My name is Kiana and I'm from Troop 3222.
My Cookie Goal
311 boxes
My Cookie Earnings:
My troop and I are selling cookies so we can try to get enough money to go see a Broadway show and go out to lunch. We would also like to donate money to an agreed upon charity. Please help me reach my goal and Thank you so much for your support.
My Cookie Learnings:
This will be my 4th year selling cookies. Every year, I have tried to increase my sales and have been successful thanks to loyal customers, friends and of course my family.
It has been an amazing, exciting and fun experience for me. I have learned ways to boost my sales to reach my goals and also how to manage the money, I make from my sales. I learn something new every year.
We have your Favorite Girl Scout Cookies
Savannah Smiles Bite-sized lemon wedge cookies with dust zesty, and bursting with zesty lemon flavor. They are good as a cookie crumbling for ice cream or with tea.
Trefoils Our traditional shortbread cookie. Makes a good crust for cheesecake
Do-Si-Dos Peanut butter sandwich cookie. Crunchy oatmeal sandwich cookies with creamy peanut butter filling.
Samoas Crisp cookie coated with caramel, sprinkled with toasted coconut and striped with dark chocolate coating. Great for cooking shrimp.
Rah-Rah Raisins Hearty oatmeal cookies with plump raisins and Greek yogurt-flavored chunks.
Tagalongs Crispy cookies layered with peanut butter and covered with a chocolate coating. Makes a great brownie.
Thin Mints – Vegan Crisp wafers covered in chocolate made with natural oil of peppermint. You can make a brownie or crust for cheesecake.