31 Day Blog Series
I have signed up to take a #31day challenge this upcoming October. It's when you write or share one topic. My topic for this October is dedicated to my daughter. I lost my daughter on August 25, 2013 and sometime's I just need to read a quote or see that someone is feeling the same lost.
So for 31 days; I'm going to share my favorite quote or moment with you, that help me with my day. I hope you'll find comfort of knowing someone is going through the same process of grieve.
Here's a snapshot of my post schedule:
Day 1: Mother's Grief
Day 2: 2 Ways to Challenge Grief
Day 3: Comfort
Day 4: It's hard to get out of Bed
Day 5: Joy
Day 6: Memories
Day 7: Denial and Isolation
Day 8: Shock
Day 9: Private Conversations
Day 10: Recovery
Day 11: Acceptance
Day 12: Anger
Day 13: Depression
Day 14: Numbness
Day 15: Emotional Despair
Day 17: Reorganizing
Day 18: Pain
Day 19: The Upward Turn
Day 20: Working Through
Day 21: Hope
Day 22: Guilt
Day 23: Fear
Day 24: Sadness
Day 25: Support
Day 26: Inspiration
Day 27: I'm not alone
Day 28: Her favorite books
Day 29: Her favorite color
Day 30: Healing
Day 31: Reflection on my journey
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31 Day Blog Series
paula · 545 weeks ago
katemotaung 9p · 545 weeks ago
Grateful that you are choosing to write about it. I pray that the writing itself will be an encouragement to you.
I haven't lost a child, but from the little I've experienced of grief, this post is what it's like for me .. I pray it will be a blessing to you: http://katemotaung.com/2013/07/13/a-open-letter-t...
blestbutstrest 21p · 544 weeks ago