Sunday, August 31, 2014

Gluten Free Play Dough

If your child has a gluten allergy. Here's an a great gluten free play dough that will help make your little one creative without the fear of allergies flaring up.

Gluten Free Play Dough Recipe:
*Please see the notes for substitution ideas and tips
½ C Rice Flour
½ C Corn Starch or Arrow Root
½ C Salt
2 tsp. Cream of Tartar
1 C Water
2 T Oil

In a sauce pan mix flours and salt, mix in the rest of the ingredients and cook on low heat,  stirring, until thickened (a couple minutes).  Turn out mixture and, once cool enough, knead until smooth.  Add food coloring if you like.

You can sub in other flours for the rice flour, at least partly.  I have a big bag of bean flour we’re not using so I added about a 1/4 cup of that.
Likely tapioca starch or potato starch would work fine for the corn starch as well. This ingredient is the simple starch that helps “glue” the play dough together and adds a smooth feel.

Cream of tartar is an acid.  It acts as a stabilizer,  extending the “shelf-life” of play dough.
You can substitute 1/4 tsp of lemon juice or white vinegar for each 1/8 tsp of cream of tartar. Be aware if you use vinegar, the play dough will have a vinegar smell!
If, after a couple weeks in a jar, you find your play dough is kind of sticky (gross), you can add a bit more flour and oil to give it a little more life.

Yes, this is a recipe that involves cooking, but it really is easy and quick.